Many businesses in Pembrokeshire will be able to enjoy a 75 per cent reduction in rates after a Welsh Government-funded scheme was backed.
A report for Pembrokeshire County Council Cabinet said the Welsh Government has announced the continuation of the Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief scheme for 2023-24.
The scheme aims to offer a discount of 75 per cent on non-domestic rates bills to eligible businesses, Cabinet Member for Corporate Finance Alec Cormack told members of the council’s Cabinet today, March 13.
It will support those occupying premises and operating in the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors, such as shops, pubs and restaurants, gyms, performance venues and hotels.
The Welsh Government-funded scheme has a cap of £110,000 across all properties occupied by the same business.
All businesses are required to make a declaration that the amount of relief they are seeking across Wales does not exceed this cap, when applying to individual local authorities.
As the scheme is a temporary measure and the provision of the funding is discretionary, a decision to adopt the scheme in Pembrokeshire was required, with Cabinet members supporting a recommendation to do so.
Cabinet Member Paul Miller welcomed the continuation of the scheme, saying it was “really positive these measures remain in place”.

Council Leader David Simpson (pictured) agreed, saying it was “really important we can give some aid to businesses that are suffering”.
Welsh Government will reimburse local authorities for the relief that is provided via a grant.
Ceredigion County Council’s Cabinet, meeting on March 7, also agreed to adopt the scheme.