Churches across all denominations in Wales can now register to participate in Churches Count on Nature, an annual scheme where people visit churchyards and record the plant and animal species they encounter.

The biodiversity survey, supported by environmental charities A Rocha UK and Caring for God’s Acre, as well as the Church of England and the Church in Wales, will take place from June 8 to 16, 2024.

In the last three years, 1,300 counting events took place across churches in England and Wales, and over 47,555 wildlife records were submitted to Caring for God’s Acre. The data will be used to determine where different species are located in the country. This can aid churches of all denominations in increasing biodiversity on their land for the enrichment of the environment and local communities.

Churches Count on Nature is part of Love Your Burial Ground Week, open to anyone who loves nature and any church with land. Churches are encouraged to connect with local schools, wildlife groups and those who may not have visited before, to discover their churchyards.

Could you engage with the natural world and take part in this churchyard wildlife count this summer? Register here.