A rousing rendition of Jerusalem kick started the new year for Carew WI. On a rare dry day, members gathered to wish each other compliments of the season and catch up on the news.

Bronwen K was welcomed back after her accident and good wishes were sent to Bronwen H after her recent accident.

The minutes of the December meeting were read, sanctioned and signed. The president commented on the successful Carol Service in December and the local lantern parade was well attended and the WI members’ mince pies were gratefully received.

The County letter was perused and members voted on four resolutions with Dental Health Matters winning the vote for Carew WI. These results will be passed on to NFWI in due course.

Final arrangements for the annual lunch were discussed.

President Edith then presented Ruth A with a Certificate for winning 1st prize in the Pembrokeshire Federation of WIs’ “Bisley Munt Art competition - a painting of a Pembrokeshire Castle or Manor House.” Rather than opt for Carew Castle, Ruth chose to paint Manorbier. She was also presented with the Bisley Munt Cup which she gets to keep for the year! Ruth said the icing on the cake was seeing Carew WI named and etched onto the cup!

Members then settled down to tea and a quiz devised by Margaret F which was won after a tie break my Marylene N. Edith won the raffle prize.

Next month a representative from Welsh Water will speak to the members about clean rivers and seas after members noted their concerns and contacted all concerned bodies such as Natural Resources Wales, Welsh Water, Pembrokeshire Coast National Parks, MPs and Senedd Members about the condition of the local rivers, mill pond and beaches. The local councillor will also be present.