Cosheston WI member Vicky Wilson provided the entertainment for a really enjoyable, festive evening in December. Everyone got creative and made fused glass Christmas tree ornaments with expert Vicky whilst enjoying mulled wine and mince pies.

In support of the “not in my name” campaign, President Mary James made 100 white ribbons which she distributed to players of Pembroke RFC, their opponents St David’s RFC and supporters of the match they played.   The white ribbon is a symbol of men’s opposition to male violence against women and wearing a white ribbon is a personal pledge to never commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against Women.

Some of the ladies went along to the Penfro group carol service in St John’s Church, Pembroke Dock and enjoyed the service.

At the January meeting, a minute’s silence was observed in memory of former member Ann Harwood who very sadly passed away on Boxing Day. Cosheston WI congratulates member Dinah Reed and husband Richard on their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

To help the ladies get motivated post-Christmas, passionate Strictly Fit Steps instructor Helen John talked about the origins of Fit Steps and shared some fitness tips. Fit Steps routines are fun, don’t require a partner; are designed to work all the different muscles, improve the feeling of wellbeing and improve muscle tone and balance while engaging the brain.  Helen also put members through their paces and did four of her routines with them.  They had a giggle whilst doing it and Anton Du Beke would doubtless have given them a ten for effort.

This month’s competition was to write a Limerick starting, “there was a dancer named…”  Results: 1st – Sheila Minchin, 2nd – Sian Jones, 3rd – Fern Jarrold.

Sheila’s winning Limerick: “There was a dancer named Lancer / Who could jump as high as Prancer / He jumped in the air / Landing on a chair / Ending his life as a romancer!”

Next meeting is Tuesday, February 13, 7pm at Cosheston Village Hall.  New members welcome.