All of the ladies of Kilgetty WI looked lovely in beautiful dresses and hats in keeping for a garden party.

Tuesday’s meeting had to be held in the community hall instead of the gardens due to the inclement weather.

The meeting was opened by President Kath who warmly greeted everyone. Birthdays this month are Mary, Sylvia and Astrid.

Discussions at the meeting including donations for Sandy Bears and the Ladies cricket, and a bench for Stepaside school for their ‘peace garden’ - a buddy seat for children.

Members were invited to be included in any photo shoots that may arise in the future.

The Summer fête in Kilgetty is on Sunday, August 27 and is to help with funding for the new play park area. This is sorely missed by children and families and all are eagerly anticipating a new play park in the near future. 

Kilgetty WI are to have a few stalls at the fête and the themes were pondered upon. Items can be left with Anne at her house.

The First Aid course is going to be on a Saturday and lasting two hours, date to be arranged. Names were taken for the trip to Margam gardens and McArthur Glen in August; also for a trip to FRAME in Haverfordwest on September 27.

Kilgetty WI won the Tenby treasure hunt recently too. Well done to the ladies!

Business was followed by a delicious strawberry cream tea and Pimm’s - real summer treat for all! Lots of enjoyment, chatter and laughter ensued and Anne and Kath read out some numerous poems too!

A big thank you to the ladies on the hard working committee who planned it, baked the scones and served the members. 

The competition was a decorated hat:

It was very hard to choose a winner amongst many beautiful hats but Hilary’s stood out as her hat was covered in hand cut paper flowers and very colourful. 2nd was Sylvia with a big straw hat festooned with a garland of fresh flowers. Raffle was won by Sue.

There is no meeting in August, so enjoy the summer break, ladies!

Next meeting is Tuesday, September 12 at 7pm and the speaker subject is: Working with glass. Visitors are always welcome.