Minutes of the May and Annual Meeting of East Williamston Community Council:

Election of chairman for 2018/19

It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Clr. Geoffrey Soar be appointed as Chair for the year 2018/19, and proposed, seconded and agreed that Clr. Jacob Williams be appointed as vice-chair.

Vacancies on council

Due to the retirement of Clr. T. Ensom there was now one vacancy on the East Williamston ward and four vacancies on the Pentlepoir ward. It was agreed to advertise the East Williamston vacancy and if no election is called then all vacancies will be filled by co-option.

Matters arising from last meeting

The following points were raised:

a) The pothole on Templebar Road has been filled.

b) The repairs have not been carried out to the gate at Broadmoor. Proposed that if not done in two weeks then contact be made. If necessary the maintenance contractor will be asked to carry out the repairs.

c) The AED’s have been ordered but not received yet.

d) Station Road has not been fully cleared yet. Part of it has been done on the roadside but the bank across from the ditch is still littered.

e) A cheque for £1,000 from Donald has been received as payment for the container.

f) The Salt bin on Pentle Drive has been filled.

g) The salt bin on Templebar Road near Pentlepoir play park is full of water and rubbish.

h) The two on Clayford Road are ok. Ask Colin Phillips to get a padlock for Pentlepoir salt bin.

i) Minute 54/18 b) Dbl decker bus at Water Meadows Course Fishing – not abandoned. Ask Enforcement Officer to find out what it is being used for.

Planning applications

The following planning application was considered:

17/0024/PA: Proposed two-storey extension at White House, Kilgetty - It was agreed to support this application.

Quarterly inspections of play parks

The clerk advised that the above inspections had been carried out last November and therefore items were listed as High Risk that had been rectified.

She would ensure that PCC are updated on the works carried out to ensure they do not appear on the next inspection report.

Members were asked to ensure that two cuts per month are carried out at playparks. Otherwise all looked well.

It was resolved that the clerk advises PCC of the recent works carried out at the playparks to update their records.


The following correspondence was received:

a) ‘Hywel Dda – Our Big NHS Change’ – Drop In Events – noted.

b) Update on GDPR and Data Protection Bill – noted.

c) Bobath Children’s Therapy Centre – request for donation – no action.

d) PLANED’S Community Forum Network Event – noted.

e) Paul Sartori Hospice at Home – Volunteers – notices displayed.

f) PCC Local Development Plan 2 – Call for Candidate Sites – Cllr Hopkinson to respond.

g) OVW Representatives to attend Area Committee Meetings- no action.

h) Public Health Network Cymru Sustainability Showcase 2018 – noted.

i) Auditor General for Wales – A Picture of Primary Care in Wales – noted.

j) Paul Sartori Foundation – letter of thanks for donation – noted.

k) Invitation to Code of Conduct Training from Kilgetty CC – no action.

County councillor’s report

Clr. Williams had received an email from a resident in East Williamston regarding walks on Rights of Way.

He will get back to her to find out which paths she is referring to. It was noted that the containers have not yet been clad with wood.

The clerk would inquire about this.

Items from councillors

a) Pinewood - pathway on road. Ceri Rees of PCC is looking into funding for this.

b) Two bollards at end of Templebar Road have been moved by a resident to have his hedge cut and they have not been put back properly. Clerk to ask if PCC can replace them properly.

c) Apologies for next month’s meeting were received from Clr. Charles Hopkinson.

Date of mext meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 7, at 7 pm.