The picture’s just a fantasy, but it was real hedgehog heaven when Ginny Batt-Spenceley brought along her rescue hedgehogs, Cherry Cake and Cup Cake, to the May meeting of Summerhill WI.

Both hedgehogs were happy being handled and also spending time exploring the floor of the hall.

Ginny gave a very interesting talk about running the ‘Pembrokeshire Hogspital’ from the time spent nursing injured adults and hoglets to giving talks to interested school children. She was warmly thanked by Marlene before joining members for refreshments served by Marilyn, Wendy, Sue E and Sue H. The raffle was drawn with Sue H the lucky recipient.

The meeting continued with apologies noted and May birthday greetings given to Pam and to Linda for June. Thanks were given to Hilary for the flowers and the ladies for their donations to PATCH and the Hedgehog Hogspital. Hilary is due to go into hospital and was wished good luck and a speedy recovery as was Linda who is having surgery in June.

The walking treasure hunt in Saundersfoot has been completed and those ladies who went had an enjoyable morning in beautiful sunshine.

The concert at Stepaside Chapel performed by Pembroke Male Voice Choir in memory of past President Joyce Lewis was a well supported and entertaining evening.

Upcoming events were finalised including the strawberry tea on Friday June 7, 2.30-4.30pm in Amroth Parish Hall, Summerhill and the coach trip to Brecon on Saturday July 6.

Next meeting will be on July 8 at 7pm in Amroth Parish Hall, Summerhill when the speaker will be the Rev’d Patricia Rogers from Haverfordwest Street Pastors; hostesses to be Kay and Marlene. Go along and join them, as guests are most welcome.