Owing to limited space in our forthcoming edition, the following church notices have not been printed in this week’s Observer. Please pass these details on to anyone who may not see them online.
Bethesda Church, Saundersfoot

SERVICES on Sunday, June 2: 10.30am; 3.30pm. Preacher, Rev’d Martin Williams.
Friday, June 7, 2.30pm - Bible Study and Prayer Meeting, Rev’d Martin Williams presiding.
For further information, call: 01834 812869 or 814832, email [email protected] or visit www.bethesdatenbyroad.vpweb.co.uk.
The Old Chapel, Tenby

THE Lighthouse Family Service at The Old Chapel, Tenby is on Sunday at 11am, followed by coffee and biscuits.
Children of Sunday School age leave for various classes part way through and parents/carers are welcome to go with them or stay in for the Bible teaching.
The Pulpit Bible Study is held at 6.30pm every Sunday evening. Wednesday Bible Study begins with a brief meal at 6.30. All are welcome to these meetings, whether believer or unbeliever.
During the week the Coffee Shop and Christian Bookshop is open Tuesday to Saturday, 11am-3pm. The downstairs coffee shop is a registered ‘warm space’ and has become a refuge for many. A PATCH food bank and Community Fridge are both hosted in the chapel.
‘Without faith it is impossible to please God’.
Holyrood & St Teilo’s Catholic Church, Tenby
SUNDAY, June 2 – Corpus Christi. Vigil Mass Saturday 5.30pm; Sunday, 9.30am (St Bride’s, Saundersfoot); 11am. Children’s Liturgy: 11am in St Teilo’s Parish Hall. Tea and coffee in the hall after 11 o’clock Mass. Parish Community Vespers and Benediction: Sunday 5pm
Weekday Masses: Monday 10am; Tuesday 7pm; Wednesday 10am; Friday 7pm.

Evangelium: a course on the Catholic Faith based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Monday evenings from 6.30pm in the Church Hall. All welcome.
Parish events can be viewed on-line from the parish website www.stteilostenby.co.uk. and in the Parish Newsletter. Check the website for any changes to Mass times. Tel. 01834 842692
Begelly Church
ST MARY’S Church Begelly thank all who attended the Coffee morning last Saturday in aid of help for the family who lost their home in the fire, and for their generosity.

Services this week: Wednesday, May 29, 7pm – Evening Prayer meeting; Sunday, June 2, 9.45am – Holy Communion; Wednesday June 5, 7pm – Holy Communion
Warm Space in the Church Hall Monday 1-2.30pm – Welcome for lunch and a chat.
Molleston Baptist Chapel
THE service last Sunday was conducted by the Rev’d Nanette Lewis Head of Pembroke. During the Service there was a lovely solo given by eight-year-old Rhiannon Holland with Mrs Elizabeth Vaughan as organist.

There will be no service on Sunday June 2 to enable members to attend the anniversary service at Bethel Baptist Church, Loveston at 10.30am.
A warm welcome is extended to all.
Carew Group of Anglican Churches
SERVICES for Carew Group of Churches week ending Sunday, June 2:
- Cosheston, 9am – Morning Prayer
- St Mary’s Redberth, 9am – Communion
- St Mary’s Carew, 11am – Communion
- St Mary’s Nash – No Service. Temporarily closed

Every Wednesday, 10am – Communion at St Mary’s Carew
Do join any of these services; all are welcome.
June 14 – Bingo at Carew Memorial Hall. Doors open 7pm, eyes down 7.30 - fun for all the family, all welcome.
For Weddings, christening and funerals, contact Rev’d Hannah [email protected].