Seventeen members attended a bee-themed November meeting and Annual General Meeting of the Ludchurch WI at Longstone Community Hall, which concluded with a competition, Raffle and buffet supper.

Nine members had sent their apologies. The minutes of the previous meeting were read out and agreed by the members. Members’ Birthdays were mentioned for November and they were given the group’s best wishes. The forthcoming events and activities from the monthly newsletter were read out by the president should any members wish to attend these.

The Annual General meeting was then commenced and the financial report was discussed. The group was informed that Ludchurch WI were in a good financial position. The tasks and responsibilities of the current committee roles were then discussed and members were invited to volunteer for any of these roles.

After some discussion, a new committee was then formed which comprised of current members continuing their roles and also new members joining. After formally recording the outcome of the AGM, the meeting was concluded.

The evening continued with a speaker from Glyn Bach gardens who gave a presentation about bees and pollinators. Members then had the opportunity to purchase organic honey which had come from the speaker’s own bees.