Tenby Community Fridge is looking for volunteers who can help with this amazing community resource. It is open in the Old Chapel on Lower Frog Street from Tuesday to Saturday from 11 to 4pm.

Volunteers go in at 10.30 each morning to check temperatures and put out the food collected from supermarkets the night before. Volunteers go in at 3.30 to take temperatures and make sure the food still left is ok for another day or needs to be disposed of. Volunteers also go out at 9pm Mondays to Fridays to pick up the surplus food from the local supermarkets and take it back to the Community Fridge ready for the next day.

As you can see, lots of volunteers are needed, and it is also good to have people who are able to cover or share shifts with each other. If you are able to help with any of these slots, please get in touch on the Community Fridge Facebook page or on [email protected] or pop in to the Old Chapel and leave your contact details so that someone can get back to you.