In Milford Haven, there was a relaxed atmosphere of enjoyment on the afternoon of Thursday, June 2 as people strolled or sat in the sun along the Union-flag-bedecked Waterfront. It was a day for strolling, soaking up the sun and taking it easy.

Signs were going up at Nelson Quay and preparations underway for the Cococabana Music Festival, and the Rath had been closed to traffic in readiness for tonight’s entertainments, leaving space for the sale of ice-cream and street food. At one residence on the Rath a Lewis Carroll inspired ‘Mad Hatter’s Tea Party’ was evidently in full flow.

Elsewhere in the sun-soaked town, imaginative decorations had been created to mark the royal occasion.

An assortment of families had gathered at the Memorial Gardens at 4 pm for a performance by the Town Band. Plenty of sun or shade could be had; some had brought their own seats; but there was something missing; the musicians were not in evidence. “Where’s the band?” was an oft-heard remark. Eventually an announcement was made to those gathered that the performance would start at 5 pm, by which time the crowd had grown rather than diminished.