A dedicated campaigner has been elected to the board of pro-independence group YesCymru.

Jim Dunckley has become a Director for Mid & West Wales, including Tenby, and will represent local groups from across the region on the organisation’s governing body.

A socialist, republican and member of Yes Cymru since it was founded back in 2014, Jim has been active on the Welsh political scene for 30 years, serving on two town councils. He has campaigned on a range of community issues from housing and tenant rights to environmental campaigns.

The board is made up of representatives from across Wales and beyond.

YesCymru Chair Elfed Williams said: “I’m delighted to welcome Jim to the board of YesCymru where they will make a hugely valuable contribution to the independence cause.

“Our National Governing Board is made up of passionate campaigners and dedicated community champions from the length and breadth of Wales and beyond.

“It is our job on the National Governing Board to spread the message that the best way for Wales to realise its potential is for us to take control of our own destiny and become an independent nation.

“We believe that our elected representatives who make decisions that impact our day-to-day lives should be elected by the people of Wales because only they can be trusted to govern in our best interest.

“Independence will enable us to take control of our money, our laws and our resources and empower us to tackle the scourge of poverty that has been blighting our communities.

“Our country is abundant in resources and we have all the talent and ability we need to create a vibrant and thriving economy that ensures fairness for all.”

A recently published report by the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales, which was co-chaired by Professor Laura McAllister and Dr Rowan Williams found that independence is a “viable” option for Wales. It also warned of the “risk” to Welsh democracy unless “urgent” changes are made to the status quo.

A recent poll by Redfield & Wilton showed support for Welsh independence to be at 35 per cent.

For more information about YesCymru, visit: www.yes.cymru