
In the article (Tenby Observer Wednesday, April 24) about Pembrokeshire Senedd Members gaining new shadow portfolios the ’paper quotes the leader of the Conservatives in the Senedd as saying, “It’s time to drop ideological vanity projects like 20mph speed limits.” I hope this misrepresents what he said. Since when has the safety of children in Wales been a vanity project?

But it is up to the residents of towns and villages in Pembrokeshire to decide if they want to give drivers, who often use their settlements as through routes, the ability to travel at 30mph rather than be restricted to 20mph. I urge people to make their wishes known to their Town, Community or County Councillors who represent them. Please don’t stay silent. People may never get this chance again to slow traffic in their settlements for the benefit of those who live and work there.

While travelling through a part of England we noticed those settlements value the safety and amenity of residents over speeding vehicles, and have adopted the 20mph speed limit.

Mary Sinclair

Martletwy, Narberth