Pembroke & Monkton Local History Society will be continuing its programme of talks with accompanying coffee mornings on Saturday morning February 3 in Pembroke Town Hall, commencing 10am.

This month’s meeting will feature a talk by popular speaker and author, Phil Carradice. 

Phil will be introducing his forthcoming book ‘A History of Witches and Witch Hunts’ which looks at witchcraft from early times - mainly Egyptian and Roman - to the present day.

Witchcraft was a precursor to religion and was at various times a threat and a support. The book highlights the Medieval period when over 100,000 across Europe - mostly women - were accused of witchcraft. Around 70,000 were executed without real evidence. Scotland killed off 5,000, England 3,000 but Wales - just five, due mainly to the concept of ‘the wise women’; village herb gatherers who provided the only medical aid available.

The book also looks at famous witch trials, such as the Salem Witches, and witch hunts - from Matthew Hopkins (the famous Witchfinder General) to Senator Joe McCarthy and other modern hunts, political rather than social or religious ones. The book is published by Pen & Sword, hardback and kindle, and is due out on February 28.

Doors will open from 10am for coffee and an opportunity to visit the Museum and Council Chamber on the first floor of the Town Hall. A lift is available to ensure accessibility for all. Following this, at 11am, the society assembles in the George Lewis Room for the talk. Everyone is welcome to attend – you do not have to be a member - and entry is free.

A reminder too that, on Friday January 26th at 7pm, the History Society has a Quiz Night and Buffet in Pembroke Town Hall. Entry is £5 and payable at the door.

Visit and keep up to date with Pembroke & Monkton Local History Society on Facebook. Any queries, contact [email protected]