Local artist Guy Manning is first on the timetable for the New Year at Kilgetty WI, the ladies having seen the old year out with a Christmas party.

Kilgetty WI’s ‘Xmas’ meeting started by the members all singing ‘Jerusalem’. 

Apologies were read out and members with December birthdays were acknowledged. Jill was celebrating a special birthday so members sang ‘Happy birthday”. President Anne then conducted a short business session and read out items of interest from the monthly newsletter. She also commented on how festive the hall had been decorated. 

Then it was on to the partying. Carols played in the background whilst everyone chatted and laughed. They then sang and acted the “Twelve days of Christmas” followed by some poetry read by Kath. 

Members enjoyed the ‘Xmas’ buffet to which all had contributed. 

The evening finished at 9pm with president Anne thanking everyone and wishing them a Happy Christmas and a very good New Year. She reminded them that the next meeting is on Tuesday, January 9 at 7pm when a talk and demonstration will be given by local artist Guy Manning.