President Diane Rigden welcomed ladies to the May meeting of St Issell’s WI, Saundersfoot...

Julia King-Thomas was thanked for the flowers for the top table, and birthday wishes went to Joy Nixon, Bee Poole, Sheila Spiller and Val John. Best wishes also went to Mary Williams who had recently had a fall while on holiday. Diane mentioned that sadly former member Sue Harris had recently passed away; she was fondly remembered, and a card had been sent to the family.

‘Anything Goes’ had gone well, everyone commenting it had been a lovely evening, and the Rosebowl ladies were congratulated on their entry. A successful coffee morning had been held at the Harbwr Bar on April 25, with attractive raffle prizes, and ladies had also met in the Sensory Garden on May 6, the anniversary of the coronation of King Charles III, to unveil a plaque acknowledging that St Issell’s WI had planted a Bay tree to commemorate the occasion.  

There was some discussion regarding a trip in July; nothing was finalised, and in view of the item in the Newsletter regarding swapping unwanted items, it was decided to start the June meeting at 6.30pm when members could swap books, plants scarves and bags, but not clothes. 

The resolution Dental Health Matters was discussed, and Mary Howells given authority to vote at the Annual Meeting at her discretion.  

Several ladies were interested in the walking treasure hunt in Saundersfoot, Joy Nixon and Shelagh Griffin having already taken part.  Following the business meeting, ladies enjoyed a natter with nibbles and drinks culminating in a birthday cake kindly donated by Mary Cavell to celebrate the Institute’s 42nd birthday.  No competition this month, but the first winner of the bumper raffle was Shirley Will, with several ladies going home with a gift.