THE Trefoil Guild is often called Guiding for Adults, and is a UK wide organisation as local members were able to appreciate when they joined 1,000 others for the Annual Meeting at Portsmouth.
In Pembrokeshire there are two Guilds, one based in Haverfordwest , and one, the Lower Landsker Guild, based in Tenby. At the end of June the two Guilds came together to enjoy fellowship and delicious food at Blackpool Mill. It proved the perfect venue on one of the best days of the summer. It was good to renew old friendships and make new ones, and it certainly will not be the last joint event planned.
Trefoil members, like all Brownies and Guides love a badge and, this year have enjoyed tackling the Motivate Challenge which encourages members to do various activities relating to Air, Water, and Land.
As part of this challenge, Lower Landsker members travelled to the Heritage Centre in Pembroke Dock where they were very impressed with all the work done by volunteers to present the history of the Sunderlands in such an interesting and accessible way. Members were excited to try flying in a simulator. A fourth element, Space, could even have been added to the challenge when members were delighted to discover the Millennium Falcon exhibition which, again, proved fascinating. It is certainly a great place to visit - there’s even a cup of coffee on offer at the end.
The following week, members moved on to the Water element of the challenge when they visited Tenby Lifeboat House and were given a guided tour of the station and of the Haydn Miller by visits officers Mags Liptrot and John Evans. The crew room and kit proved very interesting but the highlight was to get on the iconic lifeboat and go down into the surprisingly spacious interior.

Members were amazed at how many people could be rescued and fascinated to learn how the boat can right itself. It was a special treat that member Lindsay was able to make her promise on the deck and an even better treat to be able to chat to the new coxswain, Lisa as the visit came to an end. Many thanks go to Mags and John for such a friendly and informative visit.

Then on August 7 it was back to land, to the Fire Station for coffee to support the local Firemen’s Carnival. Members reminisced about how over many years past, as Brownie and Guide leaders they had decorated lorries and dressed up in all sort of costumes to take part in the parade. It was fitting then, that inside the large cuddly dragon who visited our table was someone who had once been a Brownie and a Guide!
So Lower Landsker members are well on their way to completing their Motivate Challenge. Records are being kept by Barbara P, who has also compiled more than one amazing scrap book detailing all the activities of the past 10 years.They make fascinating reading and are illustrated with some great photos.
The Guild’s Wednesday walks, talks and coffee continue as well as zoom meetings on Mondays when members can connect with Lindy, in Yorkshire, and through it all they enjoy the fun and friendship that they all find in Trefoil.